
St. Johns Marketplace: Marketplace Drive & Resort Way

St. Johns Marketplace: Marketplace Drive & Resort Way St. Augustine, Florida St. Johns Marketplace, located off SR 207 in St. Augustine, has experienced substantial changes to both the infrastructure and development. We are proud to have contributed our expertise in master infrastructure design and permitting to facilitate the division and development of the entire marketplace property into individual parcels. Our comprehensive services encompassed the establishment of a robust backbone roadway system, featuring two main roadways: Marketplace Drive and Resort Way. Marketplace Drive spans an impressive length of approximately 4,000 feet, running parallel to I-95. This road was meticulously designed to accommodate traffic needs, initially configured as a 4-lane divided urban section tapering into a 2-lane urban section. To enhance safety and accessibility, both sections of Marketplace Drive are equipped with curb and gutter infrastructure, while a dedicated multi-use path has been incorporated to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists. Stretching over approximately 2,000 feet, Resort Way complements the overall transportation network within the development. Primarily designed as a 2-lane urban section, Resort Way seamlessly connects to the RV Resort/Campground, while also extending the convenience of the multi-use path to its users. With the successful completion of Marketplace Drive and Resort Way, our team addressed the immediate transportation needs for the development, which also establishing a framework for sustainable growth. These roads serve as essential roadway, facilitating seamless access to a multitude of commercial ventures and attracting a diverse range of businesses.

Renaissance Hotel

Renaissance Hotel (San Marco Hotel) St. Augustine, Florida Matthews | DCCM designed the site for the Renaissance Hotel located at the intersection of San Marco Avenue and West Castillo Drive in St. Augustine, Florida. This project included accommodating an 89-room hotel, 159 total parking spaces, and pool on a 1.74-acre site within the City of St. Augustine city limits. To efficiently utilize the project acreage our team prepared construction plans proposing an underground garage to serve hotel guests and employees. Our team coordinated with the City of St. Augustine Historical Architectural Review Board to keep the project in accordance with the Design Standards for Entry Corridors as this site is located at a high-traffic and high-tourism intersection at one of St. Augustine’s entry corridors. The underground parking garage provided the opportunity for the Client to build the hotel as planned on their site while still meeting City guidelines and providing parking to their clientele. This is especially important in the downtown location where parking is limited. Parking is also available to guests of the restaurant and bar.

Veterans Parkway

Veterans Parkway Extension and Widening St. Johns, Florida Matthews | DCCM provided professional engineering services associated with the widening and extension of Veterans Parkway. The initial stage of this project involved the widening of an existing portion of Veterans Parkway, from North Durbin Parkway to Longleaf Pine Parkway, a distance of approximately 1.3 miles. Widening was from a two-lane undivided roadway to a four-lane divided highway and included associated drainage improvements and pedestrian/bicycle facility improvements. Our team also provided services for the extension of the roadway. This new roadway extension required setting horizontal alignments and vertical profile geometry controls, which was based on FDOT design manual section 210 Arterials and Collectors. Additionally, the seasonal high ground water level was considered when designing the roadway profile geometry. We engineered the extension of Veterans Parkway from Longleaf Pine Parkway to Stillwater Blvd, approximately 1.1 miles, and provided the County standard typical section for a four-lane divided Major Collector. This phase of the project also included major utility extensions for water, sewer, and reuse, which ultimately provided utility services for the Stillwater community. Currently under construction is the extension from Stillwater Blvd to County Road 210. This portion of the extension is approximately 2 miles and is also a four-lane divided Major Collector. Throughout all phases of this project, proper stormwater conveyance, attenuation, and treatment were provided via a closed pipe system and stormwater management facilities. Placement of proposed utility lines became a challenge to overcome since there was existing utilities/storm infrastructure in the area. Each proposed utility line needed to be carefully checked horizontally and vertically for conflicts and spacing requirements prior to construction.

Colbert Lane Resurfacing and Improvements

Colbert Lane Resurfacing and Improvements Palm Coast, Florida Matthews | DCCM worked with Flagler County to complete the design of 7.1 miles of resurfacing for Colbert Lane and 1.2 miles of resurfacing and shoulder improvements for Grady Prather Jr. Cove in Palm Coast. This project included improvements to signage and striping throughout to improve the safety and awareness for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists.  All signage was brought up to current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards included replacing outdated warning signs and adding intersection warning signs with specific street name plaques. Additional pavement markings were proposed at specific intersections to improve traffic flow and motorist awareness. It was observed during the design of the project that Grady Prather Jr. Cove had severe shoulder deterioration and sidewalk failure. Our team established the limits needed repair during a site visit and proposed concrete replacement and stability improvements to both the sidewalk and existing shoulder. We also provided the design of a full access driveway connection to the Graham Swamp parking lot. 

Amazon Distribution Center Roadway Improvements

Amazon Distribution Center Roadway Improvements Jacksonville, Florida Matthews | DCCM served as the offsite improvements subconsultant providing engineering services to improve Pecan Park Road, Duval Road (SR 243), and the offramp onto Duval Road from I-295 in Jacksonville, Florida. Numerous improvements to Pecan Park Road required a complete vertical and horizontal realignment of 0.5 miles of roadway, intersection improvements, widening of multiple turn lanes, signal modification, full access driveway connections, utility relocation, drainage design, superelevation analysis, and pedestrian access design. Improvements also included a half-mile-long, 12-foot- wide multiuse path providing a safe and functional connection. Design elements for Duval Road included widening for multiple turn lanes, signal modifications, intersection improvements at Pecan Park Road, median conversion from full access to directional access, and driveway connection design. Challenges during construction included addressing utility conflicts and swale grading. As part of its scope of work, Matthews | DCCM prepared construction plans which included demolition, grading and earthwork, paving, erosion control, S&PM, and MOT. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) was also prepared.

Tocoi Creek High School

Tocoi Creek High School St. Augustine, Florida Matthews | DCCM provided professional engineering associated with the design and permitting services to the Architect-of-Record for the new high school located along International Golf Parkway, northeast of the Mill Creek Academy in St. Augustine, Florida.  This school is situated on a 69-acre site and consists of five buildings comprising of classrooms, a gym, a cafeteria, an auditorium, and an administrative office. The campus includes student, teacher, and visitor parking, a football field, a baseball field, a softball field, basketball courts, and a bus drop-off area.  Scope of work included conceptual site plan depicting the location of buildings, parking, and stormwater management areas; engineering designs and construction plan preparation showing land clearing and tree removal limits, demolition, site grading and earthwork, stormwater drainage systems, paving and water and sewer utilities. Offsite improvements associated with the high school included the addition of turn lanes, driveway design and modifications, maintenance of traffic (MOT) plans, and signing and pavement marking (S&PM) plans. Additionally, our team conducted a topographic survey of the baseball field to address the ponding and drainage challenges that arose from the installation of clay, hindering proper stormwater drainage. By meticulously analyzing the site’s contours and identifying areas of concern, we developed an engineered design to rectify the drainage issues.

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